Friday, May 2, 2008

Guest Post: Why I Can't Stand Roughkat

We here at the Truth About Roughkat like to take a break from our campaign against Roughkat and hand the reins over to other internet opinion leaders so they, too, can let the world know about the perfidy of Roughkat. Today's guest is Jame Gumm. Mr. Gumm, the floor is yours.

I find Roughkat to be deplorable. For one, he--LEAVE PRECIOUS ALONE! PRECIOUS!

Sorry about that. Anyhoo, like I was saying, Roughkat's just not a good guy. For example, you ever try to make a patchwork suit out of the skin of multiple women, and all you want to know is if the next donor is a Size 14? Yeah, well you know who won't help you out? Roughkat, that's who.

As if that's n--IT RUBS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN OR ELSE IT GETS THE HOSE AGAIN! Man, sorry about that, it's just, man, chicks, you know? Gotta go.